Friday, January 15, 2010

(Ex) Team Elite

During my time at (insert company name here), I have met a lot of amazing people. (I've met a whole bunch of crappy people too but that's not what this particular blog posting is about today...).

I feel like I need to name two of my favorite people I have met during this time in my life - Danielle (right) and Shannon (left). Put us all together and we are the (ex) Team Elite.

Danielle, Shannon and I were all hired right around te same time and who knows why (age, experience, coolness factor) we were thrown in a group together. Me and Shannon basically worked on every project together. We were there for each other through it all - the destruction of bobble heads, the pulling out of hair, the (fake) suicide threats... I am sure there are so many more memories that I could name here, too.

Shannon was lucky and got out about a year ago - only eight months after her start date. But during the eight months we were all together, we were looked at as a team. When I was called into the office, most likely Danielle and Shannon were brought into the office. If was a crisis going on, the team of three was called upon to "put out the fires." Literally, this is what they said to us. That all changed one day and we were launched from the "Glitter Bucket" and plummeted into the "Poop Bucket" - or at least I went into the poop bucket. I don't think Danielle fell that far but I can't remember the name of the bucket she used to be in... (We used to have a chart.) Shannon found a hole in the bucket and slipped out but I've pretty much been stuck for over a year, which is why I'm glad I am finally leaving this crazy place.

So naturally, because we were lumped together, we spent a lot of time together - including eating lunch together almost every work day. Even after Shannon left, the three of us have gotten together at least once a month for lunch and to catch up.

And even though we were asked/told multiple times to "maybe eat lunch by yourself" or to try and keep it to once a week, we have still eaten lunch together almost every day. (I really couldn't have asked for a better lunch buddy... seriously. this is one of the saddest things about me leaving.)

Through all of the laughs, the tears, the inside jokes (so numerous I could never name them all [Wubs, ReRun, Drant, Drunkle]), these two ladies really made my life enjoyable while I've lived in this little cube for the past 2 years. Thanks guys, really, for always being there to hear me complain and to laugh at my amazing jokes. I heart you both lots.


Unknown said...

Oh my! I almost forgot about poor Cole.

Love it!

stacebulls said...

I can't even believe I still had the head. I found it when I was cleaning out my desk. Amazing.