Friday, January 22, 2010

Is this going to take forever?

Hello all of you who are awesome and read this.

So this is the first blog in a week because I have been seriously sick. I didn't get out of bed for 2 days - literally. I'm still not feeling up to par but at least I made an effort to come into work for 2 days this week (which isn't that bad when you think about having a 2 day work week [due to the MLK holiday]). And now I only have 5 more work days until I am officially released from this place. Bittersweet - more sweet than bitter.

But I have been thinking a lot these past few days as to how long this whole process of me actually getting a job and moving up to Boston is going to take. I have to say it is absolutely killing me that I am going to be sitting on my ass doing nothing when I could be sitting on my ass doing nothing in BOSTON. I mean, come on. Seriously. I think sitting on my ass in Boston actually has so many benefits.

1. I would actually have things to do - and not just sitting on my ass. I'll be in a brand new place so I'll need to do some exploring. I would need to figure out where things are - the grocery store, the hardware store, the Target, the best places to shop even though I will not be allowed to shop for anything except for the essentials (and no, this does not include trips to DSW because I own 43 pairs of shoe and if I have 43 pairs of shoes, buying more is not a necessity). But I would have things to do because I would  need to do things. At home, I know where I am because I have lived there for 25 years! And believe me, nothing has changed.

2. Nicole and Dan! I would be with Nicole and Dan - 2 out of my 4 favorite people. Life hanging out with them everyday is amazing - and interesting. I feel like we all may be creatures of habit, and within those habits, there are always crazy adventures - even if all we are doing is watching TV. I'm super psyched to be around the people I have missed so much in the past 2 years.

3. I wouldn't be reflecting on the things that bother the hell out of me about living in my current house. I wouldn't have the stress of living "at home" any more. I would finally have somewhere that I could call 1/3rd mine! And that is awesome. Love and Happiness is all I can think of when I think of having my own place (that is 1/3rd mine). **HOWEVER! The biggest downside to all of this is that my little baby PuppyJack cannot come with me. Seriously, people, my dog is super damn cute. And I am a little afraid that if I go away, he will be very angry that I left him and won't want to see me again. I know this is ridiculous but I just love him so much. SIGH**

But those are just three - THREE - reasons to move up there now. So, please, Mr./Mrs./Ms. employeer up there in the great state of Massachusetts,  give me a job so I can start to live my live. I would really appreciate it. Great. Thanks!!